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Serato ITCH 2

Audio & Video mix software by Serato Audio Research.
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Livello: DiJ Pro
Livello: DiJ Pro
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Iscritto il: 31 ago 2010, 9:01
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Serato ITCH 2

Messaggio da noidea »

Serato is pleased to announce the release of ITCH 2.2.2, the latest free update for Serato ITCH DJs. This release adds support for the Serato Video 1.1 update but also has some very handy new features and improvements.

This version of ITCH supports Mac OS X Mountain Lion.

Alongside adding support for Serato Video, we took this opportunity to include some great features that have been long standing requests. Support for the FLAC format has been requested for some time now and we are happy to add support in this release.

Owners of four deck controllers such as the Numark NS6 are now able to take advantage of a brand new two deck view mode.

We have also added some great library enhancements to improve load times and stability. Alongside this, we have done a great deal of maintenance, fixed a load of bugs and done some important enhancements to keep our ongoing commitment to stability and performance. For the full list of these, refer to the ITCH 2.2.2 release notes.

Ultima modifica di cioce il 11 gen 2012, 19:04, modificato 4 volte in totale.
Pioneer DDJ-SX, Denon DN-HP700, Serato Itch 2.0, Mac Book pro 15" i5 2.53 ghz, Behringer bcf 2000, Novation Zero Sl, Ableton Live 8.2
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Livello: DiJ Expert
Livello: DiJ Expert
Messaggi: 2943
Iscritto il: 23 mar 2009, 12:10
Località: Cianciana (Ag)

Re: Serato ITCH 2.0 Public Beta

Messaggio da HACKID »

come volevasi dimostrare nessun supporto verso gli mp4.....anche Serato si mette a fare le false promesse...vabbe'...

scusate il piccolo sfogo polemico ma ci tenevo particolarmente anche in previsione del futuro acqusito di ns6 :(
. . . ...Ragione&Coerenza... . . .

Il peggior nemico del dj è il DJ
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Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
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Iscritto il: 23 mar 2009, 12:10
Località: Ferrara

Re: Serato ITCH 2.0 Public Beta

Messaggio da cioce »

http://serato.com/forum/discussion/485661#new" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; qualcuno ha letto e capito come funziona ora il SYNC?
.: CIOCE DJ :.: DigitalJockey.it & DjForum.it Admin / Official Tester / Handyman :.
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Il saggio consiglia -> Cioce DJ on YouTube & Recensioni DiJ
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Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Messaggi: 11103
Iscritto il: 23 mar 2009, 12:10
Località: Ferrara

Re: Serato ITCH 2.0 Public Beta

Messaggio da cioce »

Uscita la RC2
http://serato.com/forum/discussion/491481#new" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

* Fixed a hang when switching banks on SP6 by removing un-needed autogain save
* Fixed slight pause on windows when releasing the VCI300 platter.
* Updated Played Track colors for Light Mode
* Fixed: New WAV files from Logic sometimes get corrupted when they're analysed
* Fixed issue with crossfader disable not getting saved in preferences
* Fixed issue on the NS7 with the strip search changing the position of slots 1 & 2 on the sp6
* Fixed: Effects auto to 100% wet when switching
* Fixed an error that was causing Runtime errors
* Fixed Fader Start leds not lighting
* Fixed a crash with vci offline cues/loops
.: CIOCE DJ :.: DigitalJockey.it & DjForum.it Admin / Official Tester / Handyman :.
Rispondo ai messaggi privati solo in caso di segnalazioni importanti, per domande banali usate il forum.
Il saggio consiglia -> Cioce DJ on YouTube & Recensioni DiJ
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Messaggi: 27
Iscritto il: 23 mar 2009, 12:10
Località: L'Aquila

Re: Serato ITCH 2.0 Public Beta

Messaggio da DanysDJ »

Rilasciata la 2.0 ufficiale :-) !!!

http://serato.com/downloads/itch" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

ps : x gli amministratori, nel caso, create un nuovo topic ufficiale.


SP-6 Sample Player
Brand Spanking New Look and Feel
Performance Modes (Library View, Vertical Waveforms and Stack Mode)
Day & Night Mode
Album Art Views
Smart Crates
File Migration
Serato Playlists
New & Improved Serato Smart Sync
Other Changes / Smaller Features:

Beatgrid Lock
View buttons for (Xone:DX, NS6 and Twitch) now cycle through the performance modes.
4-deck Instant Doubles.
Hot Cue Fader Start (When fader start is enabled and a cue point is set or triggered, the temp cue is set to that cue point's position).
Slider added for font size.
Shared Preferences.
Bug Fixes:

Fixed Crossfader Reverse Keyboard shortcut (ctrl-shift-r).
Changes made to minimize distortion in recordings when playing at loud levels.
Corrected Continuous Mode behavior so that when you move past the beginning of a song while in this mode, the previous song doesn’t load.
Fixed Play button to flash at half the speed of the Cue button for all controllers supported with 1.7.
You can no longer drag a deck onto itself to reload or instant double the song.
Fixed miscellaneous crashes experienced by some users including when: relocating lost files, loading songs and exiting ITCH.
Fixed bug where the scroll bar arrows would be slow to react when ITCH is reading large libraries.
Fixed "[" and "'" keys for looping.
Fixed Windows crashes on start up when a database/crate contained a file with a file path greater than 259 characters.
Fix for sleeping, disconnecting controller and then waking up Macbook incorrectly whilst staying in connected mode.
Numark Controller Specific:

Decreased probability of spontaneous firmware updates with the NS7/V7.
Fixed shift shortcuts to jump to a specific loop slot.
Fixed Loop Select shift function to reloop as it did in ITCH version 1.5 and to turn off the shift/delete button.
Stopped selected track from being added to the Prepare crate when hot-plugging or starting up with the controller connected.
NS6 Specific:

Fixed bug where switching between Platter modes (Scratch and Jog) while using Skip could give unexpected results.
New NS6 Firmware Version 1.18 with improved performance
V7 Specific:

Fixed limiter triggering on the V7 when playing full scale tracks with 0db headroom
Xone:DX Specific:

Fixed issue where Shift button goes into the wrong state if holding it down while switching layer.
Beat Grid Enable option is able to be enabled/disabled instead of always being on.
DDJ-S1 Specific:

Fixed bug where the Vinyl Speed Adjust knob would instantly be applied to braking, but not acceleration.
Fixed bug where Slip mode would not deactivate when moving to hardware disconnected mode.
Fixed problem with Slip mode where ghost playhead could sometimes be using the wrong velocity while scratching.
FX Specific:

Reduced pops created when switching effects and turning them on and off.
Known Issues:

A crash may occur when hotplugging between ITCH Controllers.
DanysDJ House Music all night long!!

Numark NS6 + Magma Flight case, Cuffia Pioneer HDJ-2000 - PC ASUS N61JQ - Windows 7 pro - Serato ITCH
Acer Aspire 1703... ormai destinato a mio figlio
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Livello: DiJ Guru
Livello: DiJ Guru
Messaggi: 2687
Iscritto il: 23 mar 2009, 12:10
Località: Grosseto

Re: Serato ITCH 2.0

Messaggio da CyberMix »


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Livello: DiJ Guru
Livello: DiJ Guru
Messaggi: 2687
Iscritto il: 23 mar 2009, 12:10
Località: Grosseto

Re: Serato ITCH 2.0

Messaggio da CyberMix »

Vestax ha rilasciato il seguente comunicato riguardo Serato Itch 2.0 ed il nuovo firmware per VCI-300 e VCI-300 MKII:

A bug has been found within the latest firmware of VCI-300 / VCI-300MKII. If ITCH shows your firmware is not up to date (Click on the "HARDWARE" tab in setup when your VCI-300 is connected ), please refrain from updating.
Please note there are no issues with updating ITCH to its latest version 2.0. We will have a fix available for this bug as soon as possible. Please wait for further information.
*Follow Vestax on twitter for the latest product support info
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Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Messaggi: 11103
Iscritto il: 23 mar 2009, 12:10
Località: Ferrara

Re: Serato ITCH 2.0.1

Messaggio da cioce »

E' uscito ITCH 2.0.1 (20102)

http://serato.com/downloads/itch/2.0.1/releasenotes" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

http://serato.com/downloads/itch" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
.: CIOCE DJ :.: DigitalJockey.it & DjForum.it Admin / Official Tester / Handyman :.
Rispondo ai messaggi privati solo in caso di segnalazioni importanti, per domande banali usate il forum.
Il saggio consiglia -> Cioce DJ on YouTube & Recensioni DiJ
Messaggi: 19
Iscritto il: 23 mar 2009, 12:10

Re: Serato ITCH 2.0.1

Messaggio da djklau »

Non si capisce...ma il supporto a OSX Lion ancora non c'è per la versione 2.0.1?
FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.it/djklau" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Livello: DiJ ADMIN
Messaggi: 11103
Iscritto il: 23 mar 2009, 12:10
Località: Ferrara

Re: Serato ITCH 2.0.1

Messaggio da cioce »

http://serato.com/forum/discussion/534189#new" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Confermata la compatibilità su OSX Lion a parte due piccoli bug:
* ITCH hardware not recognised after computer goes to sleep.
* Hang when unplugging ITCH hardware.
.: CIOCE DJ :.: DigitalJockey.it & DjForum.it Admin / Official Tester / Handyman :.
Rispondo ai messaggi privati solo in caso di segnalazioni importanti, per domande banali usate il forum.
Il saggio consiglia -> Cioce DJ on YouTube & Recensioni DiJ